Members' Day

Thursday 27th of June

Dear Members

We are very much looking forward to meeting colleagues at the NY AM.  Please find below a note about Members’ Day with an outline programme and an invitation for those unable to attend to participate in pre-thinking the issues.     

Members Day consists of two parts: 

1. Our annual meeting for business, which is our formal and legal meeting, similar to a company AGM.  This will take place at the beginning of members’ day for two hours. It includes a Board report followed by an open membership discussion.  We will publish the Board Annual Report prior to this meeting. 

2. The second part is where members engage together, to work on a topical issue or take part in a learning experiential event. Traditionally, the President has taken a lead in designing this event, engaging with board and members in the process.

Following last year’s successful work on the Strategic Review, this year’s event addresses our core task, to reflect on how psychoanalysis informs our work.    

This year’s Members Day theme is: Psychoanalysis and Practice: Learning From Each Other

Aim:  To share knowledge and experience from our diverse psychoanalytic theoretical backgrounds and working practices.  

In preparation for this second part of Members Day, please reflect on the psychoanalytic theory, methods and practices you use in your work with organizations, and on areas you are interested in discovering more about. Members Day will be a structured and facilitated event and largely self-managed learning. For those not attending Members Day we invite you, along with all members, to begin a discussion on the listserve raising any issues, topics, thoughts or interests that relate to the theme, which will further inform our discussions and explorations on members’ day.

The Quakers have a phrase asking those who attend business meetings to come with ‘hearts and minds prepared.’ I think it is a useful phrase for our work together too.   

Warm Regards,
Simon and the Board

Members’ Day Program

ISPSO Members Day 9.00am-4.30pm


Annual Meeting for Business: 2 hours


Coffee break


Members’ Day Theme: Psychoanalysis and Practice: Learning From Each Other.
Aim: To share knowledge and experience from our diverse psychoanalytic theoretical backgrounds and working methods and practices.
11:30-12:15 Introductory Discussion
Group Work Aim: To explore what different psychoanalytic approaches bring to our work with organisations




Continue working in Groups


Groups Feedback to Plenary


Coffee break


Plenary Discussion—What next? What needs to be done to further our collective work?




Daily Reflection


Reception & Distinguished Members Presentation